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The money is paid via Paypal. All sales made through Unanchor are paid 30 days after the end of the month. All sales made through Amazon are paid out 60 days after the end of the month (this is Amazon's policy). There is a $10 minimum to be paid out.
No, we ask that all content be original and we will run it through a plagiarizer checker. However, if you would like to quote a website, you are more than welcome to do so as long as you cite where the information came from. There is an added bonus that if the traveler would like more information they now know where to go.
You can view all of our itineraries on our "Browse All Tour Itineraries" page. Keep in mind that even if a city has already been covered, we're always open to writing additional itineraries on a city, as long as it's a unique approach or targeting a different type of traveler.
Unfortunately, copyright rules make Google Maps unavailable to Unanchor authors. The preferred method is to create the maps using the Unanchor Map Builder. The second option is to use OpenStreetMaps with proper credit. (Instructions located in the help page.)
Adding a description to a Day is simple if you know what you're looking for.
More details are located in the itinerary help section.