San Francisco 2-Day Highlights Itinerary

San Francisco 2-Day Highlights Itinerary

By Jason Demant, Sat, 04/11/2020 - 07:06
Cover Image
Itinerary Title
San Francisco Travel Guide
Itinerary Subtitle
2-Day Highlights Itinerary
Promotional Description

Which one of these is you?

  1. It’s your first time in San Fran­cis­co. You want to do the must-see” activ­i­ties but want to get that true local view of the city that most tourists miss.

  2. You’ve been to (or even live in) San Fran­cis­co but have nev­er real­ly SEEN San Fran­cis­co. It’s time to go beyond the seals on the wharf, Alca­traz and Lom­bard Street.

If either describes you, this 2‑day San Fran­cis­co itin­er­ary is for you! You’ll see the high­lights of San Fran­cis­co but from a local’s eye.

Fisherman’s Wharf

You can’t go to San Fran­cis­co with­out pass­ing through the Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39. But, when’s the best time to go? Where can you find the best clam chow­der? Did you know there’s a free muse­um with func­tion­al video game arcades from the 1800s?


San Fran­cis­co has the largest Chi­na­town out­side of Asia and it’s intim­i­dat­ing! Get a detailed walk­ing tour show­ing hid­den, unmarked tem­ples, hole-in-the-wall” restau­rants, a for­tune cook­ie fac­to­ry down a small alley, a pub­lic bath­room (a true rar­i­ty in San Fran­cis­co) and a whole lot more.

The Mis­sion

San Fran­cis­co locals will tell you that their favorite place in the city is the Mis­sion neigh­bor­hood, yet most tourists nev­er even get there! You’ll have a full walk­ing tour with this itin­er­ary.

Did you know the old­est build­ing in San Fran­cis­co is in the Mis­sion? Find out more about it as well as see the famous & impres­sive murals, find out where an amaz­ing free view of the San Fran­cis­co sky­line is and most impor­tant­ly, find out where the best Mex­i­can food is in the city.

This is just the begin­ning…

There are 1 – 3 hour walk­ing tours of the fol­low­ing areas:

  • Union Square
  • Chi­na­town
  • Haight Street
  • Gold­en Gate Bridge
  • Fish­er­man’s Wharf
  • Gold­en Gate Park
  • The Cas­tro
  • The Mis­sion

What Oth­ers Have Said About The Itin­er­ary:

Huge tip about get­ting there ear­ly in the day [Fish­er­man’s Wharf], I was there mul­ti­ple times of day, and the morn­ing was by far the most pleas­ant. Like I men­tioned already, these tips are def­i­nite­ly the nuggets of gold hid­den that make the guide worth it! Loved the detailed maps as well. They real­ly helped a con­fused tourist like me! I have a great sense of direc­tion but I’m not so good at fol­low­ing oth­ers’ direc­tions and I fig­ured yours out.” ~Cat C.

We fol­lowed your itin­er­ary pret­ty close­ly and we thor­ough­ly enjoyed it!!! Very detailed. We real­ly enjoyed one of the dim sum bak­eries you sug­gest­ed (no tables or chairs).” ~Mark H.

The itin­er­ary was real­ly gen­er­ous and much appre­ci­at­ed. Used it and had a great day yes­ter­day!” ~Sal­ly B.

There were some def­i­nite handy tips like get­ting on the street­car in the mid­dle of the street. This would have saved a ton of time over wait­ing at the main board­ing spot. The For­tune cook­ie place was a real­ly cool thing to check out — I actu­al­ly just learned that for­tune cook­ies were first made in San Fran, so I felt like I was see­ing a slice of his­to­ry. The old arcade was pret­ty awe­some and I think a hid­den gem (there was almost nobody there).” ~Har­ris H.


Still Unsure?

  • Email us at Unan­chor, if you have any addi­tion­al ques­tions. We’re hap­py to help!
  • Have an amaz­ing vaca­tion, guar­an­teed! — If you’re not hap­py with the tour itin­er­ary, Unan­chor will glad­ly refund your mon­ey.